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Get order details

  -X GET
--header 'Accept: application/json'
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token here}'

Response example

"account_number": "12345678@vision",
"client_id": "20171003209384646",
"exchange": "Zero Commission",
"quantity": 1,
"executed_quantity": 0,
"order_status": "new",
"price": 20,
"stop_price": 0,
"time_in_force": "day",
"order_type": "limit",
"order_side": "buy",
"symbol": "BAC"

Get the order details by the specified order id.


idRequired. The order id


account_numberstringThe account number in the format of 123456578@vision
client_idstringThe order id
exchangestringThe routing instructions
quantitynumberPositive integer, number of shares or contracts requested by the order
executed_quantitynumberPositive number of shares or contracts executed by this time
order_statusstringThe order status. Possible values are pending_new, new, partially_filled, filled, replaced, done_for_day, pending_cancel, canceled, rejected, suspended
pricenumberLimit price if applicable
stop_pricenumberStop price is applicable
time_in_forcestringOrder duration instructions. Possible values are day - regular hours, ext - extended hours
order_typestringThe order type. Possible values are limit, market
order_sidestringSide of the order. Possible values are buy, sell
symbolstringThe security symbol