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Get time and sales


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    -X GET
--header 'Accept: application/json'
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token here}'

Response example:

"trades": [
"timestamp": 1513362190,
"quantity": 100,
"price": 152.44,
"market": "BOS"
"timestamp": 1513362190,
"quantity": 100,
"price": 152.44,
"market": "EDGA"
"timestamp": 1513362188,
"quantity": 22,
"price": 152.4699,
"market": "NDD"
"timestamp": 1513362185,
"quantity": 100,
"price": 152.45,
"market": "NASDAQ"
"count": 12

Retrieves the time and sales history, ordered by descending timestamp. Query parameters are:

symbolRequired. The security symbol, stocks in Nasdaq CMS convention. Options are not supported
fromRequired. Start of the period, unix timestamp
toRequired. End of the period, unix timestamp
limitOptional, 10 by default. The number of items to return on one page
skipOptional, 0 by default. The number of items to skip