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Code flow - authorize

The user browser should be directed to the following authentication url. The user will see the Lime Trading login form to input the credentials.

    -X GET

After successful authentication the user is redirected to redirect_uri with HTTP code 302 and the authorization code:

    302 Found
Location: {{your_redirect_uri}}?code={{code}}


response_typeRequired. This is the OAuth authorization flow to use. In this case this is code.
client_idRequired. The client id issued to the service
redirect_uriRequired. The url to redirect the user after successful authentication. For security reasons, we do not allow just any url, we require this url to be registered first

Code flow - access token

The next step is to exchange the authorization code to an access token which will be used to authenticate all API requests. The access token expires at 3:00 AM ET and is not prolonged with every usage.

    -X POST
--header 'Accept: application/json'
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
-d 'grant_type=authorization_code&code={code}&client_id={client_id}&client_secret={your_client_secret}&redirect_uri={your_redirect_uri}'

Response example

"scope": "email profile",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"access_token": "MjAwOTg1OWUtZTUwMy00YzY4LWEyZWQtODU0N2NkZTJiNDdlfDIwMTcxMDA3MTkyNDQzfHRlc3R8U2VyZ2V5fE1pbmtvdg==",
"expires_in": 28800


grant_typeRequired. This is the OAuth authorization flow to use. authorization_code in this case.
client_idRequired. The client id issued to the service
client_secretRequired. The client secret issued to the service
codeRequired with authorization_code grant type. The authorization code received at the previous step. Please note the authorization code lifetime is short (5 minutes) so please be sure to exchange the code to a token immediately.
redirect_uriRequired with authorization_code grant type. The same url as on the previous request authorization step.


access_tokenstringThe access token
scopestringThe scopes this token grants access to
token_typestringBearer means that the access token should be put to the Authorization header of every web request
expires_innumberThe expiration lifetime in seconds