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Transactions journal

    -X GET
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token here}'

Response example

"id": "1644455",
"type": "MONEY:OUT:CHRG",
"description": "CHRG MANDATORY REORG FEE REF:11111-222222,PUT PROSHARES",
"date": "2018-06-30",
"cash": {
"gross_amount": -30.00,
"net_amount": -30.00
"id": "1681283",
"type": "INSTRUM:IN:EXP",
"description": "EXP PUT SOLAREDGE TECHS A $25 EXP 06/15/18",
"date": "2018-06-18",
"asset": {
"symbol": "SEDG 180615P00025000",
"symbol_description": "SEDG Jun 2018 25 Put",
"quantity": 8,
"price": 0
"cash": {
"gross_amount": 0,
"net_amount": 0
"fees": []
"id": "1681278",
"type": "INSTRUM:IN:ASG",
"description": "ASG CALL RUBICON PROJECT INC $2.50 EXP 06/15/18",
"date": "2018-06-18",
"asset": {
"symbol": "RUBI 180615C00002500",
"symbol_description": "RUBI Jun 2018 2.5 Call",
"quantity": 20,
"price": 0
"cash": {
"gross_amount": 0,
"net_amount": 0
"fees": []
"id": "1681293",
"type": "SALE:EXCH:ASG",
"description": "ASG CALL RUBICON PROJECT INC $2.50 EXP 06/15/18",
"date": "2018-06-18",
"asset": {
"symbol": "RUBI",
"symbol_description": "THE RUBICON PROJECT Inc",
"quantity": -2000,
"price": 2.5
"cash": {
"gross_amount": 5000,
"net_amount": 4980
"fees": [
{ "name": "Broker fee", "amount": -20 }
"id": "1677793",
"description": "Sell to Open 20 'NCMI Dec 2018 7.5 Call' @0.75",
"date": "2018-06-15",
"asset": {
"symbol": "NCMI 181221C00007500",
"symbol_description": "NCMI Dec 2018 7.5 Call",
"quantity": -20,
"price": 0.75
"cash": {
"gross_amount": 1500,
"net_amount": 1486.6845
"fees": [
{ "name": "Broker fee", "amount": -2.5 },
{ "name": "Broker fee", "amount": -9 },
{ "name": "TAF", "amount": -0.04 },
{ "name": "ORF", "amount": -0.756 },
{ "name": "OCC fee", "amount": -1 },
{ "name": "SEC fee", "amount": -0.0195 }
"count": 237

Query parameters are:

account_numberRequired. The account number
start_dateOptional. The period start date in the format of yyyy-MM-dd
end_dateOptional, current date by default. The period end date in the format of yyyy-MM-dd
limitOptional, 10 by default. The number of items to return on one page
skipOptional, 0 by default. The number of items to skip

Returns an array of trasnactions and a counter of total transactions in the specified time period. Every transaction has the following structure:

idinternal transaction id. It is globally unique and it is not necessarily sequentually incremented
typetransaction type
descriptionhuman-readable transaction description
datedate in the format of yyyy-MM-dd
asseta structure describing the asset side of the transaction
asset.symbol_descriptioncompany name for stocks or human-readable name for options
asset.quantitytransaction quantity, can be positive or negative
asset.pricethe price for each unit
cashdescribes the cash side of the transaction
cash.gross_amountdollar amount not including fees, can be positive or negative
cash.net_amountnet dollar amount including fees charged for the transaction, can be positive or negative
feesarray of fees charged by the current transaction. Every fee item has a name and amount properties